Wow! It's been done and the Crow has landed safe and sound, all in one piece. The rump is a little sore, however all things considered Ruby held up well and the stock seat was more than adequate.
Now, you realize I have no burning desire to hope on the bike....just yet. It'll be good to rest my bones in the comforts of my own bed.
July 31st
Blind River, OT Canada- Massena, NY USA
Total Miles-450
Stayed in one of the shadiest motels in my entire life. Half of the motel were resident apartments and I believe I was the only guest spending the night. Some folks were cooking something completely odd and fowl smelling. However, arriving so late and seeing much deer on the side of the roads, I needed to stop and rest for the night.
Aug. 1st-3rd
Massena, NY-Warren, NH
Total Miles-410
After getting lost and mislead in upper state NY, I went to the use of a GPS. Now, understand me, I only used the GPS to find friends addresses in cities when visiting. However, I don't quite understand how NY consider es East and West to be North and South...perhaps I never will.
Any hoot, upon driving on some roads three times, I made it to my good friend Jim and Bree Sawyer and Illa's farm in Warren NH. It's quite refreshing to see children raised in an old school fashion. Their fears were very limited and their imaginations and spirits plentiful. They truly are country kids: eating veggies straight from the garden, swimming in the river, playing with the farm animals, and treating others close to the clan with love and kindness.
Also got to be around when their cow gave a successful birth to her calf. Of course it happened at night while we were all around the bonfire and suddenly Jim's nowhere to be found. Then we hear a loud Woo Hoo!
Aug 3rd
Total Miles: No clue, stopped logging with pride.
The trip has come to a close.
I feel it was the right amount of time and distance.
All said and done I logged close to 8,500 miles.
Gained a patriotic spirit of sorts for the people and places I encountered along my travels. Very hard working and honest folks.
Till next time kids!
Stay tuned!
Michael G. Conner